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Floor Maintenance Products for ESD floors

ESD floors need to be maintained correctly if they are to maintain their ESD properties and characteristics.

If ESD floors are not maintained with appropriate finishes and cleaners, insulating residues can build up, potentially compromising the performance of the floor.

It is not uncommon for an ESD floor to become totally insulative after a sustained period of an inappropriate cleaning regime, despite having had excellent static dissipative characteristics when originally installed.

Some non-dissipative floors can have their performance enhanced by applying an ESD floor finish to provide secondary grounding characteristics as a temporary measure. It must be emphasised that any such treatment should not be seen offering permanent ESD properties to the floor.

The Wolfgang Warmbier range of ESD floor treatment products includes:

  • ESD stripper to remove existing and potentially insulating residues prior to further floor treatment.
  • ESD cleaner formulated for ongoing cleaning and maintenance which can also enhance the ESD properties of the floor.
  • ESD finish which can be applied to hard or smooth, non-dissipative floors to give temporary static dissipative properties. It can also be used diluted in the cleaning water for ongoing maintenance of existing ESD floors.